Have You Met...Adrian?

Singer-songwriter, Adrian Padarath has been jamming on his guitar since age 15, but the passion really began all for a lucky lady in high school. Forget long walks at the beach or telling us his favorite color (& if you really want to know...his favorite color is so deep it doesn't even have a name, but I dub it "Purple Sunset Blues"). Adrian Padarath skips the dull and tells us all. And if you're wondering, ladies, Adrian said, "She's long gone, and I'm still playing." (HIS GUITAR, OF COURSE!)

I would love to be able to teleport, avoid the whole commuting haha

Favorite Color:
Purple Sunset Blues

Worst Nickname:
I was nicknamed Sméagol from Lord of the Rings. It was given to me during those awkward years in JHS where I was 90 pounds wet. Terrible times!

Favorite Romantic Comedy:
It has to be Wedding Crashers. Back in high school, I could probably recite every funny line in that movie.

Last thing you searched on Google:
“How many grains of sand are in the world?”

Last song you listened to:
“End of the world” - Hunter Hunted. It’s a very catchy song and I had the pleasure of working their show at SxSW.

Guilty pleasure:
I must order scrambled eggs and sausage at a diner, no matter which diner, or what time it is. I love diner breakfast, at night.

Biggest Pet Peeve:
Flaky people, especially if I’ve rearranged my schedule to make time for them. 

Word you use too often:
“Yes”, I’ve been known to burn myself out from agreeing to do too much. I’m definitely trying to find balance.

That awkward moment when…
someone addresses you by your name all the time, but you have no idea what their name is. I’m terrible with names.

My Dirty Secret:
I’ve been given an ultimatum on choosing a girl or this stuffed 3 foot tall bear that I’ve had since birth. Let’s just say the bear is still hanging out in the room.

Adrian's 3-foot-tall ultimatum

Adrian's 3-foot-tall ultimatum

Follow Adrian Padarath on Instagram and Twitter: @ipadarath


A Feeling of Being Fully Alive

March 9, 2014: a highlight in my life.

You have to seize the moment. You have to take a chance. Is life not short enough? What is there to fear?

So, when life gives you the opportunity to jump out of a plane and skydive...would you do it?

I did.

I truly believe that whatever is meant to be, will always find its way and that there is a reason you meet certain people in your life. This weekend, I saw a friend that I haven't seen in almost 10 years. People move around and life goes on, but I guess with the help of social media & Facebook, they're never entirely off your radar. Never in a million years would I have expected to skydive with this person and our rekindled friendship shows that sometimes good hearts can still find each other...even after all these years. 

It was a weekend filled with all five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and oh...HEARING. Hearing the wind blow as you drop down from the sky and hearing my ears pop continuously as it readjusted to the pressure...hearing laughter and screaming. Skydiving was the feeling of being fully alive.

My First Art Show!

Not only did I submit my work as an artist (by work I literally mean one photo) to my first art show, but it is for sale benefiting an amazing cause!! Half of the proceeds that every artist makes is donated to St. Jude's Hospital.

Pop by, look at all the art and blow me a kiss for moral support! You're not obligated to buy my work so don't worry! Just come by and show some love. Be there, or surprise visit me!

Laura Chang

Clickable Link:


Slapping My Winter Blues

It was really cute when the first snowflake landed on NYC streets back in December. It even came right after the New year. It was so cute that 20 versions of the same snow covering naked trees blew up my Instagram feed. Everyone was a photographer that day. Not going to lie, I took a few photos, too, but I didn't take any with my camera phone. It was a snow venture with my Canon 60D and they were filter free.

But that's not the point of this post. The point is...I'M OVER IT.

I'm over how the snow looks outside my window. I'm tired of wetting my doormat with browned ice puddles left by my snow boots. Heck i'm tired of having to yank off my laced snow boots every time I'm back from the outside world. It was very cute the first maybe three storms, but it got real boring, real fast. And I really feel bad for everyone who has to shovel it every time.This post isn't going to control mother nature, but I'm hoping it'll be a chance for you to get to know me. 

If there's one thing you'll learn about me soon as I build on this website...it's that Laura Chang loves color in her life. So to celebrate the launch of my new website...here's a look in my visions.

Here's to slapping winter blues' face! On this President's Day, I bring you color.

Photos feature Katrine A. and myself in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.