Every now and then, I feel inspired to bang out an entry like this one today. How random, right? Yes, it's been awhile since I last posted anything, but I've had a lot of time to reflect on what's important in my life these last couple of weeks-- one of which is obviously the upkeep of this site. I told myself that I will not neglect this passion project as I have this last year, just like how I should not neglect aspects of my life that keep it healthy and well-balanced! Not only has posting on this website been an escape for me in the past, but it has always been my journal of thoughts, interests and photography growth. Aside from my joy in snapping photos, I also like to geek out on climate change. Keeping Up with the Klimate is pretty hard at times, but I like to watch the latest documentaries that explain continuing problems and slap my face with a reminder that I need to be greener and better to mother earth.
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